• 06月02日 星期日



Soon all short-sighted? This vision disorder is on the rise worldwide


Within thirty years, myopia, which is exploding in Asia, could affect half of the world’s population, including 10% very severely, experts warned on Thursday, calling for it to be a public health issue.

This vision disorder is linked to an excessive elongation of the eye (a distance between the cornea and the retina that is too great) which leads to blurred vision beyond a certain distance. When it is strong, beyond -6.00 diopters, it is a disease that increases the risk of various damages (retinal detachment, glaucoma, early cataract, etc.) that can permanently alter sight.

“Today, 40% of the population is myopic, with 5 to 10% of strong myopes”, warned Thursday during a press conference Ramin Tadayoni, head of the ophthalmology department at the Adolphe de Rothschild Foundation Hospital. . “These two proportions are increasing and, above all, there are more and more myopic children,” he noted. According to current projections, in 2050, half of the world’s population will be myopic. So far, cases seemed to be exploding especially in Asia. A publication in The Lancet ten years ago estimated the prevalence of this vision disorder among young Asians at almost 90%. In Japan, China or South Korea, nine out of ten students wear glasses. “We have a fifteen-year gap with Asia,” said Ramin Tadayoni.

How can such a progression in developed countries be explained? If genetic and hereditary factors exist – the presence of myopia in one of the parents would double the risk for their children – the environment seems to play a crucial role in the development and aggravation of myopia. Researchers agree on the fact that it is favored by the increase in time spent indoors, the lack of exposure to natural light or even excessive solicitation of near vision. With a city lifestyle, the risk of being nearsighted is “maximum”, underlined Gilles Martin, ophthalmologist at the Adolphe de Rothschild Foundation Hospital.

Faced with this observation, several treatments or medical devices aimed at preventing or slowing down the progression of myopia are available. Among them, atropine-based eye drops, nocturnal or daytime contact lenses that reshape the cornea or even glasses fitted with lenses that inhibit myopia. But these solutions are more or less expensive or accessible and there are still many unknowns about their long-term effectiveness. So-called “refractive” surgery can also improve visual comfort by reshaping or “planing” the cornea, without however eliminating the risks associated with high myopia.

“The best prevention in children remains to favor outdoor activities, to reduce prolonged activities in near vision, and to carry out regular screenings”, advocated Gilles Martin. Thus, among children practicing more than 14 hours of outdoor sport per week, the risk of developing myopia becomes the same regardless of family history, he detailed. Two hours a day of outdoor light exposure reduces the risk by three. Ophthalmologists now want awareness: “We need a public health policy” on this issue, argued Ramin Tadayoni, announcing the creation in 2023 of an “Institute of myopia”.

Several Asian countries, including Singapore and China, have paved the way by setting up centers exclusively dedicated to medical care and research on pathological myopia. In France, the Institute will be backed by a patient association intended to avoid “therapeutic wandering”.





"周四,阿道夫-德-罗斯柴尔德基金会医院眼科主任拉明-塔达约尼在新闻发布会上警告说:"今天,40%的人口是近视,其中5-10%是强近视。. 他指出:"这两个比例正在增加,最重要的是,有越来越多的近视儿童,"。根据目前的预测,在2050年,世界人口的一半将是近视。到目前为止,病例似乎正在爆炸性增长,特别是在亚洲。十年前发表在《柳叶刀》上的一篇文章估计亚洲年轻人中这种视力障碍的发病率几乎达到90%。在日本、中国或韩国,十个学生中就有九个戴眼镜。"拉明-塔达约尼说:"我们与亚洲有15年的差距。

发达国家的这种进展如何解释?如果说遗传因素是存在的--父母一方存在近视,其子女的风险就会增加一倍--那么环境似乎在近视的发展和加重中起着关键作用。研究人员同意这样一个事实,即室内时间的增加,缺乏自然光的照射,甚至是对近视的过度索取,都有利于近视的发生。阿道夫-德-罗斯柴尔德基金会医院(Adolphe de Rothschild Foundation Hospital)的眼科医生吉尔-马丁(Gilles Martin)强调说,在城市生活方式下,近视的风险是 "最大"。

面对这种情况,目前有几种旨在预防或减缓近视发展的治疗方法或医疗设备。其中包括基于阿托品的眼药水、重塑角膜的夜间或日间隐形眼镜,甚至是安装有抑制近视的镜片的眼镜。但这些解决方案或多或少都很昂贵,或容易获得,而且其长期效果仍有许多未知数。所谓的 "屈光 "手术也可以通过重塑或 "刨除 "角膜来改善视觉舒适度,但并不因此而消除与高度近视相关的风险。

"吉尔斯-马丁(Gilles Martin)主张:"对儿童最好的预防仍然是偏重于户外活动,减少近视的长时间活动,并进行定期筛查。因此,在每周进行14小时以上的户外运动的儿童中,无论是否有家族史,患近视的风险都是一样的,他详细说明了这一点。每天两小时的户外光照可以减少三个风险。眼科医生现在希望人们能够提高认识。拉明-塔达约尼认为,在这个问题上,"我们需要一项公共卫生政策",并宣布在2023年创建一个 "近视研究所"。

包括新加坡和中国在内的几个亚洲国家已经铺平了道路,建立了专门用于病理性近视的医疗和研究中心。在法国,该研究所将得到一个患者协会的支持,以避免 "治疗性游走"。






