• 06月11日 星期二



2020年10月7日,在Trinity Construction Development Pte Ltd v Sinohydro Corp Ltd (Singapore Branch) [2020] SGHC 215一案中,新加坡高等法院(以下简称法院)认为,鉴于被告一直对仲裁庭的管辖权提出异议,原告向法院提起诉讼不属于轻率、无理和/或滥用法院程序的行为,故法院拒绝驳回原告的起诉。基于本案事实,法院经权衡决定行使《民事诉讼规则》第92号令第4条的固有权力命令在仲裁待决期间中止诉讼。


2019年3月7日,被告收到原告的法定索款书(statutory letter of demand),该索款书据称是根据《咨询服务协议》作出,所涉金额为9,718,759.71美元。2019年3月15日,被告作出回复,要求原告提供法定索款书所提及的文件。由于未收到回复,被告于2019年3月26日再次向原告提出相同要求。另外,被告在这封函件中对原告的法定索款书提出异议,其中一个理由是《咨询服务协议》的适当当事人不明确。2019年4月2日,原告致信被告,拒绝提交被告所要求的文件并拒绝撤回法定索款书。2019年5月9日,原告再次要求被告支付款项。2019年5月23日,被告重申其立场,即对原告在法定索款书下获得支付的权利提出异议。



2020年4月6日,被告向法院提交申请,除其他外,要求裁定驳回起诉。2020年6月22日,助理司法常务官(Assistant Registrar)开庭审理了这项申请。在庭审中,被告称原告提起诉讼是一种轻率、无理和/或滥用法院程序的行为(as it was frivolous and vexatious and/or an abuse of the process of the court),应当予以驳回。作为替代选择,被告称由于存在双重法律程序,应当驳回原告的诉讼。





法院认为在本申请中需要确定以下两个问题:(1)是否应当驳回起诉;(2)作为替代选择,是否应当准予中止诉讼。(Two issues thus arise to be determined in this application, which I will deal with in turn: (a) whether the Plaintiff’s SOC should be struck out and proceedings dismissed; and (b) in the alternative, whether a stay of proceedings should be granted.)


1. 是否应当驳回起诉


(Striking out pleadings and endorsements (O. 18, r. 19)

19.—(1) The Court may at any stage of the proceedings order to be struck out or amended any pleading or the endorsement of any writ in the action, or anything in any pleading or in the endorsement, on the ground that –

(a) it discloses no reasonable cause of action or defence, as the case may be;

(b) it is scandalous, frivolous or vexatious;

(c) it may prejudice, embarrass or delay the fair trial of the action; or

(d) it is otherwise an abuse of the process of the Court.

and may order the action to be stayed or dismissed or judgment to be entered accordingly, as the case may be.)

只有在原告明显缺乏诉讼理由的情况下,才应行使这一权力。显然,这是一个很高的门槛,要求申索必须“明显不可维持,诉请毋庸置疑的糟糕,并且获得成功必定不可能,而不仅仅是不太可能”。延续这个脉络,法院通常的做法是,当一项请求驳回起诉的申请涉及冗长而严肃的争论时,法院会拒绝继续进行此种争论。(This power of striking out should only be invoked where it is plain and obvious that the plaintiff does not have a cause of action: Gabriel Peter & Partners (suing as afirm) v Wee Chong Jin and others [1997] 3 SLR(R) 649 (“Gabriel Peter”) at[18]; The Osprey [1999] 3 SLR(R) 1099 at [6]. It is clear that this is a high threshold to meet, to the extent that the claim must be “obviously unsustainable, the pleadings unarguably bad and it must be impossible, not just improbable, for the claim to succeed”: Singapore Civil Procedure 2020 vol 1 (Chua Lee Ming gen ed) (Sweet & Maxwell,2020) (“Singapore Civil Procedure”) at para 18/19/6, citing Ha Francesca v Tsai Kut Kan (No. 1) [1982] H.K.C. 328; see also Chee Siok Chin and other v Minister for Home Affairs and another [2006] 1 SLR(R) 582 (“Chee Siok Chin”). In this vein, the practice of courts has generally been to decline to proceed with the argument where an application for striking out involves lengthy and serious argument: Gabriel Peter at [18].)

《民事诉讼规则》第18号令第19(1)(b)条的具体理由是指明显轻率或无理或明显不可维持的案件。至于“轻率”或“无理”的定义,Chee Siok Chin案作出如下概括:“当法律程序被认为浪费法院的时间,并被确定为无法进行法律上可维持的经推理的辩论时,这样的法律程序是轻率的。当法律程序被证明毫无根据和/或不可能成功和/或提起诉讼只是为了自寻烦恼或获得一些幻想的益处,这样的法律程序是无理的。”(Proceedings are frivolous when they are deemed to waste the court’stime, and are determined to be incapable of legally sustainable and reasoned argument. Proceedings are vexatious when they are shown to be without foundation and/or where they cannot possibly succeed and/or where an action is brought only for annoyance or to gain some fanciful advantage.)

滥用程序泛指不当或非善意使用法院机制的情形。高等法院在Chee Siok Chin案中确定了程序滥用的四种类型:(1)涉及对法院的欺骗,或属虚构或仅为了假装诉讼的法律程序;(2)未被公平或诚实地使用,而是为了某种不可告人的或不当的目的或以不当的方式使用的法律程序;(3)明显缺乏理由或毫无根据或毫无用处的法律程序;(4)引起或可能引起不适当烦恼或压迫的多次或接替的法律程序。(The High Court in Chee Siok Chin again helpfully identified four categories of an abuse of process, at [34]: The instances of abuse of process can therefore be systematically classified into four categories, viz: (a) proceedings which involve a deception on the court, or are fictitious or constitute a mere sham; (b) proceedings where the process of the court is not being fairly or honestly used but is employed for some ulterior or improper purpose or in an improper way; (c) proceedings which are manifestly groundless or without foundation or which serve no useful purpose; (d) multiple or successive proceedings which cause or are likely to cause improper vexation or oppression.[emphasis in original])



类似的,法院同意助理司法常务官的观点认为,当前诉讼没有显示出《民事诉讼规则》第18号令第19(1)(d)条所规定的,或需要行使《民事诉讼规则》第92号令第4条的固有管辖权而予以处理的程序滥用。(Similarly, I agree with the AR that the present Suit does not disclose an abuse of process that satisfies O 18 r19 (1)(d) of the ROC or that requires an exercise of inherent jurisdiction as contained in O 92 r 4 of the ROC)。作为一个起点,各方应有权选择在其认为合适的诉地开始诉讼。从本质上说,被告辩称,仅仅提起当前诉讼这一事实就构成程序滥用。但是,根据这一立场得出逻辑结论,这将意味着在任何有平行仲裁程序的情况下,法院的程序将构成对程序的滥用而应予以驳回。这根本不是法律上的正确立场,而且会使新加坡仲裁法下的中止条款完全失效。

此外,在这方面,被告未能提供任何一个这样的先例,即仅基于存在未决的平行仲裁程序或诉请标的应妥善提交仲裁就驳回原告的起诉。(the Defendant was unable to point to a single precedent where a claim had been struck out simply on the basis of either pending parallel arbitration proceedings or that the subject matter of the claim ought validly to proceed for arbitration instead.)

在提起当前诉讼时,原告似乎出于时效的考虑而维护自己的权利。当事人以维护其权利的方式行事很难被认为滥用了法院程序。值得注意的是,仲裁程序中止的部分原因是由于被告本身在其管辖异议中所采取的立场。鉴于被告一直对仲裁庭的管辖权提出异议,原告开始寻求其他方式来解决争议是很自然的做法。另外,被告正确地指出仲裁庭的管辖权问题应由仲裁庭决定。但如果仲裁庭认定其不具有管辖权,索赔时效就会届满,此时如果驳回当前诉讼,原告将被置于别无选择的境地。(By applying to strike out the present Suit, the Defendant is, in reality, presenting the Plaintiff with Hobson’s choice.)


2. 是否应当准予中止诉讼

作为替代选择,被告认为应当中止诉讼以支持仲裁。在这个方面,法院着重于处理一下问题,即《民事诉讼规则》第92号令第4条所承认的固有管辖权是否可以延伸至准许中止诉讼以支持仲裁。法院认为,这种管辖权确实存在,并且与法院基于案件管理中止诉讼的固有管辖权保持一致。(I focus on the question of whether the court’s inherent jurisdiction, as recognised in O 92 r 4 of the ROC, extends to granting a stay of court proceedings in favour of arbitration. In my view, such a jurisdiction does exist and is consistent with the court’s inherent jurisdiction to grant a case management stay.)

分析这个问题的起点是上诉法院在Tomolugen Holdings Ltd and another v Silica Investors Ltd and other appeals [2016] 1 SLR 373案中的裁定。法院援引该案的相关段落认为,法院必须遵循高阶关切(higher-order concerns)的权衡,审慎地行使这种固有管辖权。最重要的是,这些关切包括管理法院程序的固有管辖权,以及确保争议得到有效和公平的解决。根据Maybank Kim Eng Securities Pte Ltd v Lim Keng Yong and another [2016] 3 SLR 431案的观点,行使这项权力的首要目标是确保实现正义。(As is evident from the extract above, this inherent jurisdiction must be exercised judiciously, pursuant to a balance of higher-order concerns. Crucially, these concerns include the inherent jurisdiction to manage the court’s processes and ensure the efficient and fair resolution of disputes. The overarching aim of this exercise would be to ensure that the ends of justice are served: see Maybank KimEng Securities Pte Ltd v Lim Keng Yong and another [2016] 3 SLR 431 (“Maybank Kim Eng”) at [39].)

根据Gulf Hibiscus Ltd v Rex International Holding Ltd and another[2017] SGHC 210案,行使这项自由裁量权要遵循两个步骤:法院首先审查法院程序的诉请的性质或“争议的实质”;随后,法院判定“争议的实质”是否在仲裁协议的范围内,对仲裁条款的解释应以当事人作为理性商事当事人的假定意图为基础。(The approach to exercising this discretion has been said to follow a two step inquiry: Gulf Hibiscus Ltd v Rex International Holding Ltd and another[2017]SGHC 210 (“Gulf Hibiscus”) at[64]–[67]. The court first looks at the nature of the claims pursued in the court proceedings, or what the “substance of the controversy” is: Tomolugen Holdings Ltd at[125]–[127]. Following this, the court then determines whether that “substance of the controversy” falls within the scope of the arbitration agreement, the approach to construction of the arbitration clause being one based on the presumed intention of the parties as rational commercial parties: Tomolugen Holdings Ltd at[124].)

另外,也可以参考Danone Asia Pacific Holdings Pte Ltd v Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited [2014] NZHC 1681案所罗列的一系列考虑因素,即(1)诉讼当事人与仲裁当事人的关系;(2)法院程序和仲裁程序中的诉请及其各自提出的问题;(3)禁反言事项;(4)两套程序的认定不一致的风险;(5)拖延的风险;以及(6)费用。(Alternatively, recourse can also be had to the set of factors laid out by Venning J in Danone Asia Pacific Holdings Pte Ltd v Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited[2014] NZHC 1681 (the “Danone Factors”), namely: (a) the relationship between the parties to the court proceedings and the parties to the arbitration; (b) the claims in the court proceedings and those in the arbitration, and the respective issues which they raised; (c) issue estoppel; (d) the risk of inconsistent findings between the two sets of proceedings; (e) the risk of d elay; and (f) cost.)上诉法院在Tomolugen Holdings Ltd案、Maybank Kim Eng案和Gulf Hibiscus案中支持了Danone Factors案所所罗列的考虑因素。

法院认为,只要中止对于“实现正义目的”而言是必要的,且对考虑因素的权衡支持中止,被告就可以寻求中止诉讼。(A defendant may seek a stay so long as it is necessary to “servethe ends of justice” and that stay may be granted where the factors weigh in favour of it:Tomolugen Holdings Ltd at [188]; Maybank KimEng at [39]; Gulf Hibiscus at[60].)

根据本案的事实,法院确信应当根据法院管理案件的固有权力准予中止诉讼。首先,如Tomoulgen Holdings Ltd案所言,当事人进行诉讼的权利不是决定性的。本案原告此前已表明愿意进行仲裁,只是由于被告在仲裁中的立场以及出于对时效的合法关切才向法院提起诉讼。中止诉讼不会对原告造成损害,因为只要解除中止,原告还可以充分行使这些权利。其次,原告不仅愿意进行仲裁,而且一直承认其作为当事人有义务进行仲裁。这在争议初期尤其明显,甚至在面对被告对管辖权的持续异议时也是如此。第三,Danone Factors案所指的许多考虑因素也支持中止诉讼。仲裁程序和法院程序的当事人相同,所提出的事实基础和主张存在重复。仲裁程序和法院程序有可能得出不一致的结论,而且由于证人和证据的潜在重复将增加相应的费用。最后,由于所提出的有关问题涉及仲裁庭的管辖权,这些问题应由仲裁庭自行决定。

因此,法院经权衡认定应在仲裁待决期间中止诉讼。鉴于法院是行使《民事诉讼规则》第92号令第4条所承认的固有权力准予中止诉讼,故法院认为没有必要考虑被告所依赖的其他依据。(Accordingly, I find that the balance of this case weighs in favour of ordering a stay of the Suit pending the resolution of the related arbitration between the parties. Given that this stay is granted pursuant to the court’s inherentpowers, as recognised under O 92 r 4 of the ROC, there is no need for me to consider the alternative bases upon which the Defendant relies.)





针对被告的第二项申请,法院援引上诉法院在Tomolugen Holdings Ltd案、Maybank Kim Eng案和Gulf Hibiscus案中的观点,并考虑了Danone Factors案所所罗列的考虑因素后认为,只要中止对于“实现正义目的”而言是必要的,且对考虑因素的权衡支持中止,被告就可以寻求中止诉讼。根据本案的事实,法院确信应当根据法院管理案件的固有权力准予中止诉讼。








