• 05月09日 星期四

每日新闻播报(July 9)

每日新闻播报(July 9)

A combination of file photos of US President Donald Trump (left) and British Ambassador to the US Kim Darroch. [Photo/IC]

>Leak of envoy's memos 英驻美大使称白宫'无能'

Sensitive diplomatic cables and memos leaked to the British tabloid the Daily Mail reveal that the UK's ambassador to the US considers President Donald Trump to be "inept", "insecure" and "incompetent". The critical comments were made by Sir Kim Darroch to various members and officials of the UK government, dating from 2017 to 2019. 英国小报《每日邮报》近日曝光了英国驻美大使金•达罗克爵士在2017年至2019年间发给英政府多位大臣及官员的外交电文和备忘录,内容非常敏感,其中达罗克用了"不称职"、"不靠谱"以及"无能"这些字眼形容美国总统特朗普。

"We don't really believe this administration is going to become substantially more normal; less dysfunctional; less unpredictable; less faction riven; less diplomatically clumsy and inept," said Darroch. 达罗克说:"我们不认为这届(美国)政府会变得更加正常、少一些功能失调、少一些不可预测、少一些四分五裂、少一些笨拙无能的外交动作"。

He also warned his government that Trump's career "could end in disgrace". 他还警告伦敦方面,特朗普的职业生涯可能"以耻辱告终"。

A statement by the British Foreign Office made it clear that the documents were authentic and an investigation was launched into how they were leaked. 英国外交部的一份声明已经证实了电文的真实性,电文是如何被泄露的调查工作已经启动。

每日新闻播报(July 9)

Leukerbad,Canton Valais,Switzerland [Photo/IC]

>The best country for expats 瑞士最适合外国人居住

For the first time in four years, Singapore is not the best destination for expatriate workers, according to HSBC's Expat 2019 Global Report. 根据汇丰银行发布的《2019年全球外籍人士调查报告》,新加坡四年来首次未占据最适合外籍员工居住的国家榜首位置。

Switzerland is now the top nation for those fortunate enough to be relocated abroad by their employers - thanks to fast career progression, good pay, and "stunning scenery". 对于有幸被雇主派遣海外的员工来说,瑞士因快速的职场晋升、丰厚的薪水和"绝美的风景"成为最理想的居住地。

The annual survey gathered data from 18,059 overseas workers in 163 locations and breaks the findings into three sub-categories: living, career opportunity, and family life. 这项年度调查收集了163个地区的18059名外籍员工的数据,并以三个细分类别公布调查结果:生活质量、职场机会和家庭生活。

Canada tops the list in the first category, with respondents saying it's a welcoming country, followed by Spain where expats praise its relaxed Mediterranean vibe. 加拿大在生活质量中好评度最高,受访者称加拿大是一个友好的国家,其次是西班牙,外籍人士称赞那里悠闲放松的地中海气氛。

Switzerland scores high on career opportunity, thanks in part to quicker promotions, and Singapore tops the list for family life due to the availability of high-quality schools. 瑞士在职场机会这一栏中高居榜首,部分归功于更快的晋升速度。新加坡在家庭生活中名列第一,原因是外籍人士的子女在当地可以进入优质学校上学。

每日新闻播报(July 9)

Jeffrey Epstein (center) is shown in a courtroom in Palm Beach County, Florida, on July 30, 2008, where he pleaded guilty to two prostitution charges. [Photo/IC]

>Epstein held on sex crimes 美亿万富翁涉性交易案

Jeffrey Epstein, a billionaire financier and former friend of the Duke of York, Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, has been indicted on new charges related to alleged sex crimes involving minors, law enforcement sources told CNN on Saturday. Epstein was arrested Saturday and is expected to appear in federal court in New York on Monday. 美国有线电视新闻网6日从执法机构知情人士处获悉,亿万富翁金融家杰弗里•爱泼斯坦日前又遭遇涉及未成年人的性犯罪指控,他已于6日被捕,预计将于8日在纽约联邦法院出庭。爱泼斯坦曾与英国的约克公爵、唐纳德•特朗普以及比尔•克林顿交好。

Epstein faces charges brought by US prosecutors in Manhattan, after previously evading similar charges when he secured a non-prosecution deal with federal prosecutors in Miami. 此次针对爱泼斯坦的指控由曼哈顿检方提出,此前迈阿密检方曾对爱泼斯坦提出过相似指控,但他最终与检方达成不起诉协议逃过一劫。

The charges involve alleged sex trafficking minors committed between 2002 and 2005, according to law enforcement sources. 根据执法机构知情人士的说法,爱泼斯坦被指控在2002年至2005年期间涉嫌组织未成年人进行性交易。

There were dozens of alleged underaged victims, some as young as 14. The crimes allegedly occurred at Epstein's homes on the Upper East Side, Manhattan and in Palm Beach, Florida. 未成年受害者多达数十人,其中一些年仅14岁。据称,犯罪行为发生在爱泼斯坦位于曼哈顿上东区和佛罗里达州棕榈滩的家中。

每日新闻播报(July 9)

A park in Liangzhu features ruins. It opened for online registrations on Sunday. [PHOTO BY WANG CHUAN/FOR CHINA DAILY]

>Liangzhu now a heritage site 良渚古城遗址申遗成功

China's Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City were on Saturday inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List as a cultural site, bringing the total number of the Asian country's sites on the list to 55, the most in the world. The decision to add the Chinese cultural site to the UNESCO World Heritage List was approved by the World Heritage Committee at its ongoing 43rd session in the Azerbaijani capital of Baku. 6日,第43届联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会会议在阿塞拜疆首都巴库进行,当天中国考古遗址良渚古城获准作为文化遗址列入《世界遗产名录》。至此,中国世界遗产总数达55处,位居世界第一。

The ruins, whose core area covers 14.3 square kilometers in the northwest of Hangzhou, is considered to be a supreme achievement of prehistoric rice-cultivating civilization of China and East Asia over 5,000 years ago and an outstanding example of early urban civilization. "良渚古城遗址"位于杭州市西北部,古迹区占地14.3平方公里。该遗址被视为5000多年前中国及东亚史前稻作文明的卓越成就,是早期城市文明的杰出范例。

"Viewed from a global perspective, Liangzhu has brought the origin of the state and society in China to a level equal to that of civilizations in Egypt, Mesopotamia and India," according to renowned British archaeologist Colin Renfrew. 英国知名考古学家科林•伦福儒表示,从全球来看,良渚使中国国家和社会的起源达到与埃及、美索不达米亚以及印度文明相同的水平。

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