• 06月02日 星期日



照片来源:Calvin Cheng 脸书新加坡眼翻译如下:《适时的提醒:“自1965年8月10日起保持镇静”》我的新加坡同胞。在接下来的几周内,看起来像世界末日到了,甚至现在随着多国封锁,你感觉末日已经来临了。对我们的年轻人,我有些话要讲。如果要有一个国家长期都在为突如其来的灾难做准备,那就是新加坡。实际上,自1965年8月10日(新加坡建国)以来,我们一直在为灾难做准备。当一个国家从灰烬中诞生,依靠一个把你踢出去的国家来获取食物和水,可以说从第一天起,我们就已经在为世界末日做准备了。我们一直在储备粮食。即使邻国都嘲笑我们喝自己的小便,但我们拥有了自己的水源(新加坡眼按:这里指的是新加坡通过过滤废水、收集雨水而制造的新生水)。我们一直都在储备医疗用品,它们被存放在整个岛屿的秘密仓库中,你可能每天都会路过。虽然你看不到,但相信我,它比你所见过的最大超市仓库还更大。

照片来源:Custom Government Singapore 网站最重要的是,我们一直在存钱。这些年来,一直有人公开表示,这种“围困心理”对新加坡不健康,是时候放松一下了。我知道,许多在闪闪发光的摩天大楼中长大的年轻人,都是这样觉得的。如果你的国家是建立在无法生存的前提下,那么你就必须每天过着担心没有明天的生活。你会看到整个城市的行动小组反应非常迅速。医疗设施已准备就绪。超市货架隔夜填满。自我们的邻居公布“封国”消息以来才经过了12个小时,我们已经为陷入困境的马来西亚员工准备了宿舍和其他住所。


照片来源:Changi Airport 脸书


"Keeping Calm Since August 10th 1965"

My fellow Singaporeans.

In the next few weeks, it may look like the world is ending. And it might already feel so, with the world shutting down, countries closing their borders.

This message is especially for the young ones.

If there is one country that has been preparing for disaster, it has been Singapore.

In fact, we have been preparing for disaster since August 10th 1965.

When a nation is born from ashes, reliant on the country that just kicked you out for even food and water, you prepare for the world to end from DAY ONE.

We have been stockpiling fuel. Stockpiling food. We are mostly self-reliant on water, even if our neighbours laugh at us for drinking our own piss. (WHO'S LAUGHING NOW?!) We have been stockpiling medical supplies. They are stockpiled in secret warehouses all across the island, which you probably walk past every day. You don’t see it but trust me, it is all there in places bigger than the biggest supermarket warehouses you have ever seen.

Most of all, we have been stockpiling money.

There have been annoying people throughout the years who have publicly said that this ‘siege mentality’ is unhealthy for Singapore. That it was was time to relax. I know many young people who grew up amongst the gleaming skyscrapers who think so.

Well, when your country is founded on the premise that it won’t survive (and even Malaysia thought so), you have to live every day as if there isn’t going to be a tomorrow.

You see action teams all over the island reacting fast.

Medical facilities ready to go.

Supermarket shelves re-stocked overnight.

Dormitories and other accommodation right now are being prepared for Malaysian workers who are stuck - and it has been just over 12 hours since our neighbours dropped the bombshell on us.

You really think we reacted overnight ?

No, these are plans laid out carefully over 55 years, every day living like we did since August 10th 1965.

When we thought there wasn’t going to be a tomorrow.

And if worst comes to worst, if it’s every country for itself, we have ammunition stockpiled. Our F16s are ready to fly back to protect us within minutes. Our NSmen who might complain every time there is reservist, stand ready to defend this island against whoever thinks can take advantage of a global crisis. You come, we make sure you get a sock in the face you don't forget. Did this happen overnight? No. We have been prepared since August 10th 1965.

The world isn’t going to end. But even if it were, my fellow Singaporeans, we are in one of the world’s safest and best prepared places. If you see everything that is being done and you are not amazed, then you have no idea how prepared we are.

So keep calm and look after each other. Don’t be selfish. We are prepared. And if Singaporeans stick together, we will live through this unscathed. Majulah Singapura.








