• 06月14日 星期五

TrueLight Youth Photography Contest


Organizer: TrueLight Film Education 


Theme:City of Hope 

TrueLight Youth Photography Contest

首届TrueLight青少年图片摄影大赛主办单位:帧光影视教育 TrueLight Film Education协办单位:优美思众 Umistrong主题:希望之城 City of Hope报名须知:此活动仅限新加坡的青少年报名参赛,根据年龄划分为两个竞赛单元。小学组: 6-12岁中学组 :13-18岁投稿时间:11月25日 – 12月20日截止日期: 2020年12月20日 11:59pm参赛规则:参赛作品必须由6至18岁孩子独立完成,不得由成年人代替拍摄或抄袭,一旦发现则取消比赛资格。参赛作品必须拍摄于2020年期间。摄影设备不限,可以是手机、相机、或单反,为保证效果,请尽量用高清画质拍摄。每人可提交1-3张作品,附作品陈述。作品陈述内容包括用一句话回答以下问题。● 你为什么拍摄这张照片?● 你的感受是什么?● 你的2021年愿望是什么?奖项设置:小学组/中学组分别选出前三名获奖者将得到– 由Umistrong画室赞助的精美礼品– 参加TrueLight影视教育提供的创意影像工作坊一期(时间可以任选2021年内均有效,http://xn--truelight-film-fd1wr4ww73pqd9b9rixna.com/)最高人气奖:由网络投票选出前10名最高人气奖,小学组及中学组各5名每位获奖者都将得到:评委的专业点评以及获奖证书一份、TrueLight影视教育提供的TrueLight CLUB 会员年卡一张,享有优先报名及特别优惠资格。除此之外,所有获奖者的作品将参加TrueLight青少年摄影展,展出地点为Suntec City三楼的UMISTRONG GALLERY。影展时间将根据新加坡政府疫情相关政策而定,另行通知。投票规则:投票系统面向所有访客,所有人都可以登陆https://truelight-film.com/youth-photography-contest-2020-submission 为喜欢的作品投票。每人每幅作品只能投一票,可以为多幅作品投票,将选出投票数量最多的作品进行展出。

Our lives have changed dramatically in 2020, and will likely continue to change. There have been interruptions, sorrows, worries and conflict. But despite this, we have also felt moments of warmth, connection, encouragement and hope. 

On the one hand, we are trying hard to keep our old lives intact while on the other, we have new norms to adapt to. Such collisions are interesting – they show us how we must be persistent and never give up, and how adapting and evolving are the keys to our survival, proving that we have the ability to encounter any crisis. 

As 2020 comes to a close, we would like to invite you to express how you feel and what you have experienced this unforgettable year through your camera lens. 

Your photos may bring courage and warmth to others, especially other youths just like you. Let’s say “good bye” to 2020 with incredible images that help bridge the gap between new and old, stranger and friend. Show us your stories through the lens!

Entry requirements: 

This Contest is open to the children and youth residents of Singapore ONLY. There are two contest sections: 

Junior contest: 6-12 years old Senior contest: 13-18 years old 

Please choose the appropriate age group when you submit your work. 

Submitting your work by clicking Read more or on the website: 


There is no Entry Fee for this contest. 

Contest Schedule: 

Submit your images between 25th November – 20th December 2020. The deadline for this photography competition is on 20 December 2020 11:59pm. Stay tuned at our website or follow our Instagram ( on 12月26日for the Winners Announcement Offline Photography Exhibition to be held in Suntec City Umistrong art gallery (date and further details to be announced) 

Rules for Submissions: 

The submitted work must be completed independently by the youth from 6-18year old. They should not be assisted by adults in any way. Plagiarism is strictly not allowed. Once found out your application will be removed.All the photos should be taken in the year 2020.Each candidate may submit 1- 3 photos. Each photo must have a title and accompanied by a description of the photo. The description must answer these questions:  Why did you take this photo? How do you feel? What do you hope?

Contest Awards: 

1. 6 Jury Awards: The Jury panel will select top 3 photos from each year group. The winners will receive: 

A free gift from Umistrong art gallery A free creative photography or filmmaking workshop provided by TrueLight Film Education (valid through 2021) valued at 200 SGD. Personalized feedback on your submission from the jury 

2. 10 Most Popular Award voted by the internet viewers. (5 photos from each year group)

All winners will receive: 

A certificate of the award Exhibition of the work in the art gallery where you can meet your audience.  A TrueLight Club annual membership card for discounts on all TrueLight Film and photography courses

Online Voting rules: 

1) The voting system is open to public. Anyone can vote for their favorite photos through the website https://truelight-film.com/youth-photography-contest2020-submission/ by clicking the star button. 

2) Each picture will only allow to be voted once from one IP address. 

3) You may vote for as many photos as you like. We will choose the work from highest voting numbers to print out and exhibit.

Terms and conditions: 

● By submitting the entries, all participants are deemed to fully understand and accept the Competition rules and regulations and the Terms and Conditions set out herein. 

● Should any dispute arise in connection with the Competition or these Terms and Conditions, the decision of the Organiser TrueLight Film Education shall be final. 

● Without prejudice to any other provision of these Terms and Conditions, the Organisers reserve the right to disqualify any entrant for failure to abide by any of the Terms and Conditions set out herein, or for submitting false, inaccurate or incomplete information, or for any other reasonable cause, at the Organisers’ sole discretion, without first informing the entrant and without being liable in any way whatsoever for any loss, expense, cost, damages or otherwise suffered or incurred from such disqualification. 

● All entries will share the copyright with TrueLight Film Education, and TrueLight Film Education has the right to use, modify, display the work, and use the work for commercial and public welfare activities with the consent of the original creator.

About the Jury:

Deanna Ng | Independent Photographer / Arts educator 


TrueLight Youth Photography Contest

Deanna is interested in documenting fragments of memory found in a rapidly changing urban landscape that she calls home – Singapore. She has exhibited extensively in Turkey, Japan, Iceland and Singapore. She was selected as one of Asia’s emerging talents and profiled on Nikon’s Through Asian Eyes” in 2011. In 2015, she was selected as one of 60 Singapore contemporary artists in the book “Singapore Eye – Contemporary Singapore Art”. Her portfolio can be viewed online at http:// www.deannang.com


Ada Zhang Xian | Photographer / Founder of A.D.A Productions 

TrueLight Youth Photography Contest

Ada excels in telling moving stories of ordinary people and families through photography and by gathering their memories of past events through interviews. These narratives are then published as artworks, books and photography exhibitions to inspire the expression of love and the power of aspirations. A.D.A. Productions is made up of a team of passionate, talented, inspired and strong-willed individuals who publish charity art albums in Singapore and Taiwan surrounding the themes of dreams and exploration.


Boon Keong | photographer 

TrueLight Youth Photography Contest

Boon Keong was a hobbyist photographer, shooting every weekend, until he answered a Today ad in 2005 and began his professional career as a photojournalist. Over the years, he has covered assignments both locally and regionally, including the Little India riot, General elections in Singapore and Malaysia, forest fires in Sumatra and anti-government protests in Hong Kong. His scope has since also expanded to curating visual content and producing videos.


Hexin Zhang | Contest Sponsor / Filmmaker / Founder of TrueLight Film Education 

TrueLight Youth Photography Contest

Hexin Zhang obtained her BA documentary filmmaking and MA film directing in UK. She used to work for BBC and CCTV documentary channel as a documentary program director. Her works are mostly focus on telling personal stories, exploring the differences and similarities in culture and humanity. Since 2014, Ms. Zhang established the TrueLight to put media literacy education into practice. She believes that filmmaking is a great way to engage the young generation and inspire them to express themselves, explore the world. In return to make the world a better place by making great media content.


Submitting your work by clicking Read more.

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