


香港和曼谷2019年4月24日 /美通社/ -- 中国领先的独立在线营销数据与技术平台爱点击(NASDAQ:ICLK)和泰国顶尖线下到线上 (O2O) 广告解决方案供应商VGI Global Media Plc (VGI) (VGI.BKK)订立合资公司协议,将通过引进先进的数字营销技术为东南亚企业提供更有效的营销解决方案,帮助他们抓住价值数十亿美元的中国消费市场。


  • 移动应用程序:一款基于用户兴趣和偏好,生成个性化数字内容的AI移动应用程序。实现对目标人群的精准细分,帮助品牌制定更具针对性的营销内容。
  • 中国解决方案:中国解决方案涵盖一系列数字营销产品,包括市场洞察平台,社交媒体及移动受众解决方案等。同时,结合爱点击平台上覆盖7.8亿活跃受众的数据能力,这些产品不仅可以帮助客户深入了解中国消费市场,更能够帮助客户精准地触达中国消费者,尤其是规模庞大的中国出境游客。
  • O2O解决方案:1万个全新的移动充电站将被引进到VGI位于泰国广大的线下投放渠道,包括泰国BTS SkyTrain的公交站台及泰国领先包裹送递公司Kerry Express的配送中心等。该移动充电站具备展示客户营销信息的功能,让营销信息无缝触达到每个消费者。


泰国VGI首席执行官Nelson Leung表示:“这次合作将有效推动泰国,乃至东南亚的数字技术在营销领域的发展应用。我们很高兴与爱点击联手,通过战略性地优势整合,来释放我们双方潜力,以提高我们在该地区的数字营销影响力和市场份额。通过爱点击在数字市场分析方面的专业知识和对中国大陆地区以及更广泛的亚洲市场的了解,我们将更好地为客户提供有针对性的、定制的、可监测的营销解决方案。我们还将继续扩大O2O解决方案,以满足不断增长的中国市场的需求。”





关于VGI Global Media plc

成立于1998年的VGI(泰国证劵交易所上市代号:VGI.BKK)旨在成为泰国领先以客户为首的媒体公司。我们所富有的文化历史反映出我们的定位以至今日的事业发展里程。 VGI源是泰国第一的户外广告平台,在交通运输、办公室、户外及航空多个户外空间拥有逾70亿泰铢的广告库存。时至今日,VGI透过旗下的广告、支付和物流平台独家存取消费者行为数据库,成为独特的市场领导者。我们将数据转化为消费者洞察分析,使我们能够提供线下至线上的解决方案。为了向客户提供更优越的体验,我们协助品牌在购买过程中的每个阶段吸引客户。以公司市值超过670亿泰铢(20亿美元)来计算,我们是泰国证劵交易所第一的上市媒体公司,总销售营收为39.36亿泰铢,截至2018年3月的利润率为21.5%。 VGI为泰国领先大众运输系统BTS Group Holdings Plc.的集团成员。

Safe Harbor Statement

This announcement contains forward-looking statements. These statements constitute “forward-looking” statements within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as “will,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “future,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “estimates,” “explore,” “confident” and similar statements. Such statements are based upon management’s current expectations and current market and operating conditions, and relate to events that involve known or unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, all of which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond the Company’s control. Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement, including but not limited to the following: the Company’s fluctuations in growth; its success in implementing its mobile and new retail strategies, including extending its solutions beyond its core digital marketing business; relative percentage of its gross billing recognized as net revenues under the gross and net models; its ability to retain existing clients or attract new ones; its ability to retain content distribution channels and negotiate favorable contractual terms; market competition, including from independent online marketing technology platforms as well as large and well-established internet companies; market acceptance of online marketing technology and business intelligence solutions; effectiveness of its algorithms and data engines; its ability to collect and use data from various sources; ability to integrate and realize synergies from acquisitions or investments, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates; general economic conditions in China and other jurisdictions where the Company operates; and the regulatory landscape in China and other jurisdictions where the Company operates. Further information regarding these and other risks is included in the Company’s annual report on Form 20-F and other filings with the SEC. All information provided in this press release and in the attachments is as of the date of this press release, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement, except as required under applicable law.

