
在可爱的大熊猫面前咱确实都有脸盲症 ,再来看看在满篇英文的情况下是不是也有脸盲症

作者 韩冰




外刊时文简读 (PS:下拉可读译文)

字数:295 建议阅读时间:6' 考纲话题:生活娱乐 难度:中 新闻来源:Washington Post

Having trouble discerning (弄清楚) one furry panda from another? A facial recognition (面部识别) app will make it easy for you.

The app is developed by the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding (成都大熊猫繁育研究基地) along with researchers in Singapore Nanyang Technological University (新加坡南洋理工大学) and Sichuan Normal University (四川师范大学).

Visitors to the panda base in the Sichuan capital of Chengdu, one of China's top tourist attractions, will be able to scan (扫描) the panda's face with the mobile app to get information about that particular bear.

The image analysis research kicked off in 2017. A database now contains about 120,000 images and 10,000 video clips of giant pandas. Close to 10,000 panda pictures have been analyzed, marked and annotated (注释). Using the database, researchers are able to carry out automatic facial recognition on panda faces to tell one animal from another, the center said.

"The app and database will help us gather more precise and well-rounded data on the population, distribution, ages, gender ratio (性别比例), birth and deaths of wild pandas, who live in deep mountains and are hard to track," said Chen Peng, a researcher with the base who co-authored a paper on "Giant Panda Face Recognition Using Small Database".

"It will definitely help us improve efficiency (效率) and effectiveness (有效性) in conservation and management of the animals," Chen said.

China has carried out four scientific field research project of giant pandas in the wild.

The number of captive (被圈养的) pandas was 548 globally as of November last year. Fewer than 2,000 pandas live in the wild, mostly in the provinces of Sichuan and Shaanxi.

【Word Bank】

① particular /pə'tɪkjʊlə/ adj. 特定的

② distribution /ˌdɪstrɪˈbjuːʃn/ n. 分布

③ conservation /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃn/ n. 保护

【Cultural Note】

① 成都大熊猫繁育研究基地(Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding),位于中国四川省成都市成华区外北熊猫大道1375号,距市中心10千米,距成都双流国际机场30千米,是世界著名的大熊猫迁地保护基地、科研繁育基地、公众教育基地和教育旅游基地。基地占地面积1500亩。作为"大熊猫迁地保护生态示范工程",以保护和繁育大熊猫、小熊猫等中国特有濒危野生动物而闻名于世。

【T or F Quiz】(下拉对答案)

① Researchers from Beijing Normal University joined the development of the facial recognition app.

T( ) F( )

② More than 2,000 pandas live in the provinces of Sichuan and Shaanxi.

T( ) F( )

【Touch Your Heart】


【Key to Quiz】

① F ② F










