



好故事没有国界(A good story goes beyond borders) 。


当时,觉得这话多少有点陈词滥调(cliché)。但自从国产剧(domestic series)接二连三地爆出进军海外市场的消息,双语君终于悟到:这果然是金科玉律


豆瓣上9分的《白夜追凶》(Day and Night)宣布被网飞(Netflix)买下海外发行权,这部网剧将通过网飞在全球190多个国家和地区播出。

After acquiring the rights of Chinese online series Day and Night, which scored nine points out of 10 on China’s popular review site Douban.com, Netflix plans to make it available in more than 190 countries and regions where it is active.

而想想上次网飞买的、动静挺大的国产剧是《甄嬛传》( Empresses in the Palace),由此可见,好故事永远不缺买家。


When Empresses in the Palacewas streamed on Netflix in the United States, its original 76 episodes were cut to six to cater to Western viewers.

But the condensed version had an impact on the characters, twists and suspense, and the public response to the serial did not meet the distributors' expectations, according to some Chinese industry analysts.


而最近在网上热映的《海上牧云记》(Tribes and Empires: Story of Prophecy),也早早布局海外。

该剧在内地三大视频网站(video-streaming sites)上线的同时,海外发行也在进行中。



The fantasy series Tribes and Empires: Story of Prophecy, which has aired on Hong Kong’s TVB and the American video-streaming service Netflix, will also be broadcast in South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan.

而今年早些时候,据说在越南、俄罗斯等国兴起汉语学习热的《楚乔传》(Princess Agents),也被中国国际电视总公司看中,包揽了该剧的海外发行。


Princess Agentshas set a record for YouTube views – nearly 3 billion - making it the most-watched Chinese TV drama internationally.

About half the clicks abroad have come from the United States, according to a report from the producers. California topped the list of states watching the series, having viewed 117 million minutes, the report says. The main age demographic ranges from 25 to 34.



Distributors plan to translate Princess Agents into nine foreign languages for export to 85 countries and regions in North America, Europe, Africa and Asia. Unlike The Legend of Zhenhuan, Princess Agents will have all its episodes translated with subtitles or dubbing.

But the distributors say the release schedule depends on the translation workflow. For instance, for Japan it will take six months.



大多数在IMDb、Rotten Tomatoes上获得高分的影视剧,在豆瓣上分数也不会低。这证明:环球同此凉热。



China’s movie and television industry has seen a shift from rapid expansion to a slowdown in the growth rate over 2011-2017, as overseas markets have shown an increasing interest in Chinese content.





欢娱带了三部古装剧《朝歌》(Zhao Ge)、《延禧攻略》(Story of Yanxi Palace)和《凤囚凰》(Untouchable Lovers)前去参展。为吸引外国买家注意,他们在展台设置中国文化展示区,陈列绣制精美的帝后服装,以及用古法镶嵌的朝冠等。此外,还在展台播放纪录片,展示这些服饰的制作流程。


Yang Le, a longtime distributor, has observed these changes in the past decade.

When she toured Cannes to promote Chinese television dramas in 2006, Yang was disappointed with her first visit to MIPCOM, the world's largest trade show for entertainment content held in the French city each October. Only a few Chinese companies were there, and they struggled to hold the attention of prospective foreign buyers.

But Yang's recent trip to Cannes for this year's trade show, held from Oct 16 to 19, was a pleasant surprise. More than 200 prospective foreign buyers visited her company's exhibition area, which featured imperial-style costumes and ornaments used by lead characters in three upcoming TV series - Zhao Ge,Story of Yanxi PalaceandUntouchable Lovers.



So far, more than 20 prospective customers - coming from countries including the United Arab Emirates, Poland and Pakistan - have shown interest in purchasing the distribution rights of Zhao Ge. Buyers from Malaysia and South Korea already have signed contracts forZhao Ge.






Zhao Ge, named after an ancient dynasty's capital, is based on heroes and romances going back about 3,000 years;Story of Yanxi Palaceis set in the reign of 18th century Emperor Qianlong and chronicles the rise of a royal maid to be the ruler's most-loved concubine; whileUntouchable Loversis about a fake princess who is dragged into controversy in fifth century China.




Statistics from the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television show that China so far has translated more than 1,600 domestic movies and television productions into 36 languages - including English, French, Russian, Spanish, Arabic and Portuguese - and they are being aired in more than 100 countries.


Last year, China's exports of TV series earned 510 million yuan ($77.2 million), accounting for 68 percent of the total earnings from exported television content, according to the administration.


Meanwhile, even as China is active in taking its small screen content to the rest of the world, potential buyers and industry watchers outside China pointed to potential challenges.

Michael Nakan是伦敦一家影视代理机构Clipper Media Capital的创始合伙人。他频繁来往于伦敦和北京之间,对中英影视剧都颇有了解。


Michael Nakan, founding partner of the London-based movie and television agency Clipper Media Capital, said Western viewers are interested in China because of the country's booming economy during the past two decades.


But he said some genres will be hard to sell. "Comedy is something of a write-off. It rarely travels beyond its home territory. For example, it's hard to find French comedy which appeals to a British audience," Nakan said.


"Also, the number of episodes is a key sticking point. Most British series are only six episodes, and even American dramas are getting shorter," he said.

So, with many Chinese historical dramas still being produced in tranches of 30-plus episodes, it will become increasingly difficult for Western audiences to engage with them, Nakan said.

Anke Redl是China Media Management Inc的创始人,该公司也是法国戛纳电视节在中国的代表处。


Anke Redl, founder of China Media Management Inc - the Beijing-based representative of MIP events - said most fans of Chinese television dramas abroad are limited to the Chinese community and Western audiences will get lost while following the same plots.

Redl said stories coproduced by Chinese and Western teams, especially with professionals who understand both sides, will work with foreign audiences.




