

Grant J. K
As a Chinese who went to US study and live for 20 years and then moved back to China, it’s so refreshing to see your channel. Keep up the good work!

j John
how is ur life back home after so long oveseas?

Grant J. K
@j John at peace with myself, finally. Best decision ever


My family immigrated to the U.S when i was very young, and I'm thinking about moving to Asia in the future, but too poor to do it right now. Government in the U.S stinks and like some has said, too much racism and attacks. Thinking of Taiwan, Japan, or Singapore. But my mandarin is near none existent because I had no one to practice with lmao

Tony Salami
@breaker191 I'm from Singapore. Given a choice to relocate, it'd be China. Their society seems to be more accepting imo.

@breaker191 我来自新加坡,如果你选择换个地方生活的话,最好选择中国。在我看来,他们的社会包容性更强一点。
Zhiqiang Zhou
@breaker191 No worries, it's very easy to find a language partner on websites like italki.com. If you are interested you can also practice with me. I can speak English sort of fluently, but I always find it difficult to perfect it further with the same reason, I got no one to practice with

@breaker191 别担心,你可以轻而易举地在italki.com这样的网站上找到一个语言搭档。如果你感兴趣的话,我可以陪你练习。我应该算是能够流利的讲好英语了,但是我发现想要更精进一步则非常困难,理由和你一样,也是没有人陪我练习。
Dave Psk
I will follow you in your Chinese Dream. This should be interesting. By the way, I'm Chinese but born and lived my whole life as a Malaysian. Dreaming to visit China after I retire in a couple of years time.You probably speak Chinese better than me.


You are a beautiful soul. Wish you much happiness in China! I have never been to China but I would like to retire there and enjoy all it has to offer.

Katherine's Journey to the East 阳离子东游记
thank you.China is such a fun and interesting place, hope you get a chance to come here and see it for yourself someday

Azz King
Don’t be naive, this isn’t reality.

@Azz King Problems are everywhere in the world, she didn't say China is perfect. That's personal choice. Best wishes for you Katherine!

@Azz King 世界上的任何国家都需要面对自己的问题,她可没说中国就是完美的。这是一个个人选择。向凯瑟琳献上我最诚挚的祝福!

That's pretty exciting. Looking forward to seeing and hearing more from your adventures! Enjoy your new home. So much to discover :-)!

Hongbo Zhao
This is a very compelling and personable story -- and a great example too for career seekers for building your brand. Definitely learned a lot from it! Thanks! I wish you and your channel great success!


General Destiny
Bruh your Chinese is so fluent and sound so authentic wtf

ikr. I grew up learning chinese, but my Chinese is so bad compared to her Chinese.


Ray Lin
i agree, some non-chinese people in canada is speaking better chinese than me, because i was born in south china, lol


It's rare to see someone from the US trying so hard to move and live in China (long term). Hope that you'll have a fulfilling life in China

Shon Morgun
Awesome story and really positive energy! My best wishes to you and Wei!

tbc Mike
AWESOME!! Too many MISINFORMATION and FABRICATED news in US about China, all "thanks" to the Republicans Party.And now you're here to help DELIVER the RIGHT INFORMATION to all the ppl who have MISUNDERSTOOD about Real China and trying to BRIDGE the TWO Great Nations BACK TOGETHER for BETTER TOMORROW..

Wow.........as a 2nd Generation Asian Chinese Descent this is just Awesome seeing an All American Gal being so open minded to the Asian Culture/values! Best of all you speak fluent Chinese and has a loving Chinese BF......Good job and best of luck to you guys for the future...Stay Safe and God Speed!

Jesper Jacobsen
feeling the same you do. and im from denmark. I love china.


Kevin Nguyễn
You're so talented. What a wonderful girl !!!

Tom Huang
Great story. Glad you found your love. Hope you two will take good care of each other and have a happy life together

It’s so interesting - your Chinese is so fluent that you speak English with a Chinese accent!


Stevie Chen
Wow..Your Chinese is so good and does not sound like an outsider speaking in chinese.


I'm glad we have more people fighting the Earth pollution problem instead of "China's Pollution problem" "India's Pollution Problem". Just because the rich countries moved their factories to the less developed countries and pollute over there, does not mean they have the right to humiliate/bashing those countries.


Mac G
Lived in Nanjing for 12 years, left for Canada and I miss Nanjing a lot, wish you enjoy a lot of China and go explore more places

Good luck. We need more people like you today when there is so much hate for China in the media.

Thanks Katherine. Your videos show the daily life of Chinese in different cities and villages of China. That's really interesting for people who have never been to China before. Seeing is believing. I hope your video will attract more friends to travel in China, and see the differences between this civilized country and what they know from the media. Good luck!


Chanh Saechao
What you said @ @ 2:47 and how "it wasn't hard to learn because you enjoyed it so much", that is ABSOLUTELY true. I am starting my journey to learning Mandarin soon and I am super excited. Much respect to you and I'll be following your channel!
