中国的重庆能否与孟买竞争?Can Chongqing compete with Mumbai?

来自芝加哥的Anil Bhat 这样认为:

In terms of economy, there is no direct comparison between the two cities. If you refer to an article regarding Chongqing on Wikipedia, it says,"... factories producing local-oriented consumer goods such as processed food, cars, chemicals, textiles, machinery and electronics are common." Mumbai, on the other hand, is primarily India's financial center, and mainly has a service-based economy. It used to have many textile and pharmaceutical factories, most of which have moved out of Mumbai.


While Chongqing is being developed as a regional financial center in Southwest China, I doubt whether it will overtake Shanghai any time soon. Neither Mumbai nor Chongqing are as significant as Hong Kong or Singapore as financial centers, so they don't compete against each other for stock listings.


I think the two cities are in competition only if Chongqing is being developed as a software development and export hub. Not much is known as to how Chongqing will compete for this business internationally.


In essence, there are not many overlapping areas where the two cities can compete.


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