首发 | 新加坡lvl 66 极具品味「Design首发105期」


lvl 66挑战了暗色调的无与伦比的潜力及其带来的戏剧性效果。它的设计展现了一个脱去衣服的黑色、阳刚的、几乎是对居住者性格的崇敬。

Lvl 66 challenges the incomparable potential of dark tones and their dramatic effects. Its design shows a black, masculine and almost reverence for the habitant's character.


The level of the game brings out the best in the dark walnut background and the bright and charming skyline during the day. At night, it merges with night, focusing on the therapeutic perspective of city light. Space, background and scenery are clearly defined in the parameter area-they guide each other to form focus and perspective effect.


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