
随着气温往下降,厚重的毛衣跟外套都开始拿出来穿了,所以更不容易被人发现体重上升了一点点,也就代表说大家在这周五开始的"The Uncommon Market" 可以放纵自己一下了 :) 往下划可以一探究竟这次聚集了哪些美食品牌- 依旧特别感谢莱宝精酿特别赞助!

"The Uncommon Market" starts in 2 days so start cutting back on your food intake :) Plus, it is sweater season now, so shall we just go along and prep for our "winter bod" already? We got whatever you are craving for sorted out! Just check out all of the delicious food vendors that will be joining us this Friday! Special thanks to Reberg beer for always supporting us and sponsoring our event!

/ REBERG 莱宝精酿 /


Reberg beer holds on to refining and brewing with ingenuity- focusing on producing beer with the best quality of ‘Draft Beer’ and ’Craft Beer’, which are two different products with amazingly rich flavours. As the front runner in the premium beer industry, we have been bringing out the finest craft beers to our customers; in the meantime, we are also devoted into promoting our premium brewing culture to generate a new set of energy in people's lifestyle. They been working with us closely since our very first event, and this time is no exception- all regular ticket holders will get 10 RMB off and VIP ticket holders will get a free can of apple cider!


DUMBO ORIGINAL 成立于2015年,来自美国纽约。我们致力于打造一个有温度、充满积极正能量兼具时尚的饮食态度、好吃又好玩、价值观能引发现今年轻人共鸣的时尚轻零食品牌。


DUMBO stands for “Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass”, a namesake of a trendy district in Brooklyn, New York that’s known for its lively and artistic youth culture. It is the meeting point of New York spirit, art and tasty creative cuisines.

As New Yorkers, we want to bring to a whole new experiential New York-styled fast, casual eating concept to today’s youth in Asia. We believe in quality food - no MSG, no added sugar, no artificial color, the kind of food that makes you stronger and more confident.

/ ORITEA 朴茶 /


ORITEA PuCha redefines Chinese tea, leaving behind the traditional tea complex cooking process and sophisticated but heavy tea culture, making the tasting of Chinese tea more interesting, simple, fashionable and convenient. In a healthy, natural, small and delicate way, restore the true color and flavor of a good cup of tea. We do not seek lofty health, nor do we intend to philosophize Zen, but a cup of natural, raw leaves, hand-made tea, releasing all truth and freedom.




Pure & Whole serves up a delicious, vegetarian, ultra healthy range of salads, soups, wraps, entrees, burgers and more. Every dish and drink has been thoughtfully selected to make you look and feel awesome.

We at Pure & Whole believe that eating a diet rich in plant-based foods can have a profound impact on one’s life, creating greater health and wellness, higher levels of energy and increased mental clarity. This way of eating gives you the vitality and energy to go out and be downright awesome.


Amazing Сacao是一家专注于BEAN-TO-BAR优质精品单源巧克力的生产商和高品质巧克力制作原料的进出口商。我们的巧克力,仅使用100%有机可可豆。我们与之合作的农民和合作社皆是优质精品可可豆的主要产区,如:厄瓜多尔,秘鲁,菲律宾,刚果和印度。我们的巧克力在制作过程中不断研究和发掘可可豆本身的味道,如花香,水果,坚果,香料等,不含有任何添加剂。

在我们的不断努力下, Amazing Cacao的巧克力在2018年“世界巧克力奖项”(Chocolate Award Competition)的角逐中有4款巧克力获得了奖项。

Amazing Cacao is a bean-to€€bar manufacturer of high quality chocolate and cacao derivatives. For our production we use only 100% organic cacao beans.

Our chocolate doesn’t contain any additives - only natural ones, like cane sugar, whole milk powder, fruits and spices. Our chocolate won 4 prizes at European International Chocolate Awards 2018 - 2 silver and 2 bronze ones.

/ MEE /


We sell honey, but not the kind you would imagine. Mee aims to redefine people’s perception of this traditional food product by letting them drinkdifferently, choose differently, and think differently.

Honey on the run would be your honey to go, specially designed for city girls/boys who live a fast-paced lifestyle. Each honey pack is already filled with 15g of raw honey. All you need to do is pour water/tea/ coffee into the pack, and shake it. No cups or spoons needed, and no more sticky hands. Honey is probably never a topic to be talked about, but now it can be a very different story. Drink with Mee.

/ 自然食客 GREENBITE /

我们特地邀请了合作艺术家Wendy,带来合作系列“Wendy's KAWAII LAND”与大家见面。混乱但有趣,朋友们现场见一群由专业吃货,营养达人组成的伙伴,在零食的牵引下互相认识,创立了自然食客。



Papito pancakes serves authentic street style pancakes as served on streets of Belgrade, Serbia. Our pancakes are served in special cone which makes it perfect for quick meal on the go, as our tug line says just keep on 'ridin & bitin' on Shanghai streets.


麦隆咖啡(MELLOWER COFFEE)是以精品咖啡为导向、以咖啡全产业链建设为核心的中国精品咖啡领导品牌,其总部位于上海,自2011年成立以来,始终以“做一杯好咖啡”的初心、用“精品精制”、“专注专业”的态度服务于每一位顾客。


Mellower Coffee, headquartered in Shanghai, is known as a Chinese leader in specialty coffees devoted to specialty coffee and built on a fully developed whole-coffee industrial chain. Mellower Coffee, with its original credo "Just for a Cup of Good Coffee," has offered high-quality products with a consistently professional approach since 2011.

Among its retail products are seven world-class coffee beans, hand-made espresso and hand-drip coffee, more than 30 creative hot and cold coffee drinks, deliciously fresh cakes and pastries, more than a dozen prepackaged products and a wide variety of coffee sets.




Elephantea is the original brand of coffee and tea from Thailand. The natural aroma tea made from the tea farmers of the Tun Shan mountain in northern Thailand has no pesticide residue and no any addition. At the same time, for each elephantea item consumed, 5% of the donation will go to the Inta Warm Elephant Conservation Fund.

Elephantea drinks are made from natural aroma tea from tea Mountain in northern Thailand. It is called "drinkable aroma" because of its unique natural aroma. The tea farmers adhere to the natural farming method, adhere to artificial pest control,so it is difficult to mass production.


美罗思于1998年创建于衡山路. 经过近20年的发展,美罗思已经成为高端比萨领域的翘楚。美罗思以其纯正的欧美风味比萨,独特的风味和专业的外卖和聚会餐饮服务,目前已经在上海拥有建立10家门店。美罗思的核心经营团队来自中国,美国,法国。

Founded in 1998 on Hengshan Road in Shanghai. Over 20 years , Melrose has opened 10 stores in Shanghai and established a leading public catering team in town which provides public catering service 100 times a year!



Spirits Box is bringing the Taste of Australia to China. The West Winds Gin is Australia's most awarded gin, and features quintessential australian botanicals. With more than 10 years experience in world class cocktail bars, founders Hannah & Laura are thrilled to be sharing their passion for authentic spirits with you, showcased through signature handcrafted cocktails - for your drinking pleasure!


La Coyota MexFood Ltd is a F&B company established in Shanghai since 2012, dedicated to promote Mexican Food around the world. We offer a wide variety of 100% authentic Mexican products elaborated with the highest quality ingredients. Completely handmade and packed in our workshop. Our Services include: Pop-Up Kitchens, Mexican Food Products, Personalized Catering Service & Cooking Classes, F&B Consulting & International Fairs.


Shallow End/沙漏岸是一€€€€€€€€和€€客€€成的€€€€,我€€用工匠精神€€造各€€莫名其妙的事物,€€品包括巧克力、玩具和€€物等。

/ 0+ /


Natural life comes with natural food. Our recipes have no eggs, milk, granulated sugar, butter, flour and addictives added. We select top-quality ingredients and make cakes with our whole hearts. We hope everyone taste the healthy guiltless sweetness from it.


Grinder Burger(绞肉机汉堡)品牌成立于2015年底。目前第一家门店位于静安区核心地段武定路。店铺主打美式手工汉堡。Grinder Burger 预计在2018年底拥有4家门店,成为特色美式汉堡领先品牌。

/ 青吉事 /


