每日外刊 | 1230-新加坡几乎快消失的景象




Scenes from An Almost Vanished Singapore


Wah! six slices of bread for breakfast: Sng Mui Hong was unusually hungry. She knew what that meant. The spirit of her father, dead these past 25 years, was with her, and he was starving. Not that Ms Sng could see her father—she never had been able to see ghosts—but she could sense his presence: a heavy weight on her shoulders or a yawning pit in her stomach, hungry for white bread.

哇!早餐吃六片面包:孙梅红(Sng Mui Hong)特别饿。她知道这意味着什么。她的父亲已于25年前去世,但他的灵魂却一直陪伴着她,并且她的父亲在挨饿。孙女士并不能看到她的父亲——她从来没有见过鬼,但她能感觉到他的存在:肩膀上沉重的负担,心窝深处的巨大触动,对白面包的渴望。

She was grateful he had shown up today. Torrential rain had fallen that morning, the drops hitting the zinc roof of her house like a hail of bullets. The open drains slicing through the village had clogged with twigs and leaves, as usual, and Ms Sng had to clear them. She did not thrill at the prospect. At 69 she was not as strong as she used to be, and her knee was giving her trouble. It was not as if the tenants would complain if she left the drains blocked. But clearing them was just what she did, what she had always done. The bread, and her father, would give her strength.


So she limped out into the drizzle. Along with her three siblings, Ms Sng owns Kampong Lorong Buangkok, the last village in mainland Singapore. The kampong, which means “village” in Malay, is in the middle of the city-state, and is about the size of three football pitches. Unlike her siblings, Ms Sng lives there and manages the property and the 25 tenant-households. Her skin is rumpled and weathered.



  • scene /siːn/ n.场面;场景;景象;
  • vanished /ˈvænɪʃt/ adj.消失了的;
  • Singapore /ˈsɪŋəpɔːr/ 新加坡;
  • unusually /ʌnˈjuːʒuəli/ adv.异乎寻常地;罕有地;
  • starving/ˈstɑːrvɪŋ/ adj.饥饿的;挨饿的;
  • sense /sens/ vt.察觉;感觉;
  • presence /ˈprezns/ n.存在;出现;
  • a yawning pit 巨大的触动;
  • grateful /ˈɡreɪtfl/ adj.感激的;感谢的;
  • torrential /təˈrenʃl/ adj.(雨)倾泻似的;如注的;
  • zinc /zɪŋk/ n.锌;
  • a hail of 一阵;
  • bullet/ˈbʊlɪt/ n.子弹;
  • drain /dreɪn/ n.下水道;排水沟;
  • slice /slaɪs/ vi.滑;快速穿过;
  • clog /klɑːɡ/ vi.塞满;
  • twig /twɪɡ/ n.小枝;
  • as usual 像平常一样;照例;
  • thrill /θrɪl/ vi.兴奋;激动;
  • prospect /ˈprɑːspekt/ n.前景;景象;
  • use to 过去常常;
  • It was not as if… 好像不是…;
  • tenant /ˈtenənt/ n.租客;房客;
  • complain /kəmˈpleɪn/ vi.抱怨;
  • leave … done 让…成为…;
  • block /blɑːk/ vt.阻塞;堵塞;
  • limp /lɪmp/ vi.瘸着脚走;跛行;
  • drizzle /ˈdrɪzl/ n.毛毛雨;细雨;
  • sibling /ˈsɪblɪŋ/ n.兄弟姐妹;
  • Kampong Lorong Buangkok 甘榜罗弄万国;
  • city-state/ˈsɪti steɪt/ n.城市国家;城邦;
  • football pitch 足球场;
  • tenant-household 租户;
  • rumpled /ˈrʌmpld/ adj.皱的;
  • weathered /ˈweðərd/ adj.饱经风霜的;


文本选自:The Economist(经济学人)

作者:Hyonhee Shin and Josh Smith

原文发布时间:27 Dec. 2021


What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
